Editorial - ILM: To Peel or Not to Peel
I was first introduced to Internal Limiting Membrane
(ILM) peeling in 1996 by Prof. Eckardt on his visit to
Moorfields Eye Hospital. His elegant videos of ILM
peeling were carried out without the help of any dye
and were inspiring. Prof Eckardt subsequently
published his work in 19971
. Morris et al had
performed ILM peeling in 1990 for Haemorrhagic
retinal cysts and published their 7 year followup in
. This report also demonstrated the long term
safety of ILM peeling.
ILM is only 6 micron thick and is the structural
boundary between the retina and the vitreous. It is
adherent to the collagenous cortex of the vitreous on
its one side, and to the Muller (glial) cell end feet on
the Retinal side3